RMS PTO Annual Sponsorship 2024-2025
This is a great option for individuals and businesses to promote themselves while sponsoring the RMS PTO, annually. The RMS PTO focuses on school events/programs that directly benefit our students and faculty. Our PTO supports approximately 1000 students and 150 staff members. Last school year through our sponsorships we were able to support our staff with kindness drops, letting them know how much we appreciate them and the work they do. Fund 4 staff grants covering Science, Music, Life Skills and Leadership. As well as funding 3 school wide cultural assemblies and 2 author visits.
Sponsoring the RMS PTO helps your business increase it's visibility and contribute to Randolph's school community. If you are an individual sponsoring us, do not forget about your employer's Company Matching program, if applicable. Sponsorship of the RMS PTO provides you or your business advertising to our RMS families through our Facebook/Instagram posts few times a year, business card/logo/banner advertised on our RMS PTO webpage all year long and in every newsletter that's sent out to the RMS PTO family and staff members throughout the school year. All this for $250.
RMS PTO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All sponsorships are tax deductible. Please feel free to email the PTO to find out more about the sponsorship details. For your tax purposes, our EIN is 272-837-601/000.
Please consider being a RMS PTO sponsor today!
Our annual Business Sponsors for 2023-2024
If you or your business would like to sponsor RMS PTO for the school year 2023-2024, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] to know more.